If Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast, What’s for Lunch?


Peter Drucker famously said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast“.

Not only have I experienced this phenomenon as an entrepreneur, but I’ve also witnessed it as an investor. And it’s certainly one of the foundational elements of a startup. But there are others, too, including establishing a compelling Vision, a motivating Mission and of course hiring the quality of people to execute. So we’ll be discussing all of these at our upcoming workshop that you can sign up for here.

We’ve got three incredible serial entrepreneurs who have built great companies like Kayak to come and share their real world stories of why Vision, Mission and Culture are so important to think about right from the start. Joining the workshop are:

  • Paul English, founder of Kayak and now BLADE
  • Michael Duffy, CEO OpenPages, Founder, CEO Cylent
  • Adam Melonas, founder of Chew Lab

But there’s good news and more good news. First the good news. There is so much content that they plan to share that this class is going to focus on their stories and will build on prior workshops that I’ve given on the subject. So, if you want to get the most out of this class, please review the prior slides, videos and case studies that you can find here BEFORE, you come to the class. These materials will give you a framework to understand the value of the discussions we’ll have live in the class.

Now more good news! Even that won’t be enough to share with you all the goodness we’ve prepared for this session so Michael Duffy has kindly authored a blog post on his view of the importance of culture and it is shared here, along with a preview of two of his slides we will talk through around his new startup Cylent (Michael was previously CEO of OpenPages that was acquired by IBM).

And after the workshop we will be posting a blog from Adam Melonas from Chew-Lab. 

What are you waiting for? Jump in and get the background for the class here, leave any questions you want to ask in the comments!

We look forward to it!

Michael Skok, Paul English, Michael Duffy and Adam Melonas