The weather in Duxbury has been so varied this week it has brought out every condition one can imagine – including the in-between conditions such as the fog.
It’s hard to get a sense of the scale here so it’s fun to try to find a person in the scene. Amazingly there always seems to be one as in the above person on the left-hand side at the edge of the beach, or two by the bridge as in this next picture.
For my Duxbury Neighbors, this next shots just gives one a perspective on Powder Point. Again there are two people at the tip of the beach in the foreground, for scale.
But it never stops the oystermen…
Of course, the light has been continuously changing too. The next two photographs were taken to show the breadth of the light and sun bursts across the bay to the beach, all the way to Gurnet light, Clarke’s Island, and Saquish.
In this first shot, the ducks in the foreground give one at least some sense of scale. It was too early in the morning for any people!
And later that same morning, the same scene looked very different…
These are actually enormous panoramas of 17 shots each to cover the width of the scene, so they don’t fully show up unless you have a very wide screen. But for those of you who don’t, here’s a zoom into the Gurnet at the heart of the scene.